
What to do to be happy || By Rajesh Arya

* What to do to be happy * Today it is very difficult to run happy in the life of the race. We continue to find new ways to be happy today. But being happy has been a difficult process. Tension is tension all around. In today's era, life is being run very fast. Responsibilities so much that there is no time to eat food. Far from being happy in this environment, breathing is proving too difficult. Look wherever there are problems. Great disappointment comes in the name of happiness. If we want to be happy, then we have to change the way we look at the world and understand the importance of nature. We have to understand the truth that what has come, it will surely go and time never stops for anyone. If we understand these things. So we should understand that getting the life of a human being is the greatest achievement and success. What we have got is everything and we as humans are a great achievement for us. What can we give to the people of the world. Think about this, neither to ...

The Mantra of Success || By Rajesh Arya

*The Mantra of Success * **  Key to success is  Believe yourself  **   In today's era, we all want to be successful, but do we know what success means?   So let's know what is the meaning of success. See, when we were kids, our success meant getting some toys or passing exams or getting better numbers than others, but then looking pretty when we get a little older, then passing a board class. Or getting good numbers, then good friends, then a good job, then a good marriage, then a children's promotion, then a children's wedding, then their children, etc.   If we look at it, the meaning of success is also changing with the passage of time, that is, we need to understand success a little bit. We have given success the name of our need, that is, here comes two things -   First, that we are all already successful because growing up is a success. Secondly, the more it is needed, the more successful it will be.   If we have a...

धीरज || Patience || By Rajesh Arya

धीरज ( Patience) धीरज क्या ? 1- धीरज एक व्यक्ति का वह गुड है जो उसे सही गलत का अहसास कराता है 2- धीरज इंसान की वह खूबी है जो इंसान के यक्तिवत मे निखार लाती है 3- धीरज इंसान के जीवन मे एक समय है जो उसे सोचने का मौका देता है 4- धीरज एक ढाल की तरह कार्य करता है जो उसे विभिन प्रकार की मुसीबतों से बचाता है 5- धीरज इंसान के अंदर की भावनाओ को काबू करता है 6- धीरज इंसान के जीवन मे शांति प्रदान करने वाला यंत्र है दोस्तो अगर , इंसान जीवन मे इस गुड को सीख लेता है तो उसके जीवन की राह आसान हो जाती है इंसान के जीवन मे यह सब्र पैदा करता है जो इंसान सफलता की ओर ले जाता है      हर व्यक्ति को जीवन के हर फैसले को बड़े ही धीरज के साथ लेना चाहिए इंसान के पास   सबसे बड़ी दौलत उसका धीरज है इंसान को अगर किसी कार्य को सही तरीके से करना है   तो उसे   धीरज रखना बहुत जरूरी है क्योकि धीरज मुश्किल चीजों को...